The “Socio-Spatial Studies” Journal is a platform for all those interested in environmental issues and the interrelationship between the environment and humans within a framework that transforms the duality between humans and the environment into a form of relative unity. Humanity, especially in the past two centuries, with a materialistic and instrumental view of the environment, has led to the decline and deterioration of individual and social life. Consequently, despite human access to the most advanced technological and material facilities, the environment, including the natural and built environment, is facing unprecedented challenges throughout human history. The current critical environmental thinkers, policymakers, and planners, at any scale, need to reconsider the path taken in recent centuries. This magazine seeks to provide a smooth path for such critical thinkers and critical writers. The “Socio-Spatial Studies” Journal has been published since 2017 as a Semi annual journal. After years of experience in journal publication the executives have decided to develop the journals as well as activities. In this regard it was decided to continue the interdisciplinary approach in a more extended area by adapting some changes in the editorial board.